You might be wondering why there is such a fuss about your choice of edging when it comes to your new asphalt area. Take a look this recent job in Melbourne’s south eastern suburbs to see why!

Brick edging offers several advantages when used in conjunction with asphalt areas. Firstly, it adds a touch of visual appeal and aesthetic charm, enhancing the overall appearance of the asphalt surface.
The contrasting textures and colors of the bricks create a pleasing visual delineation, adding definition and character to the area.

Additionally, brick edging helps to contain the asphalt, preventing it from spreading or encroaching onto adjacent spaces such as lawns or gardens. This containment feature contributes to easier maintenance and prevents the need for constant trimming or edging.
Brick edging provides a durable and sturdy border, offering protection against erosion and ensuring the longevity of the asphalt area. It also adds structural integrity, reducing the risk of cracking or shifting at the edges of the asphalt.

Lastly, brick edging can serve as a functional guide or pathway, directing foot traffic or delineating specific areas within the asphalt space.
The advantages of brick edging in asphalt areas include improved aesthetics, containment of the asphalt, durability, protection against erosion, enhanced structural integrity, and functional delineation.